
作者:柳贯 朝代:宋代诗人
Intelligent FlowerLantern FestivalZhou BangyanThe candle flames redden with the breeze;The lotus lanterns seem to freeze.The sky brightens the fair and the fair the sky.The titles are steeped in moonlightWhen fleecy clouds disperse in flight,The Moon Goddess would come down from on high.In elegant dress appearThe southern maidens tenderWith waist so slender.The drums boom far and near,The crowd's shadows rise and fall,Fragrance wafts over all.I remember the capital's lantern night:A thousand doors overwhelmed with light,People made merry in laughter.From golden cabs silk handkerchiefs *ped down,The gallants ran afterThe cabs as dim dust raised by steeds in the town.But years have passed,Now I see only for my partWith an unfeeling heartHow time flies fas(...)
wǒ piāo bó zài jiāng hàn yī dài ,sī niàn gù tǔ què bú néng guī ,zài máng máng tiān dì zhī jiān ,wǒ zhī shì yī gè yū fǔ de lǎo rú 。kàn zhe yuǎn fú tiān biān de piàn yún hé gū xuán àn yè de míng yuè ,wǒ fǎng fó yǔ yún gòng yuǎn 、yǔ yuè tóng gū 。wǒ suī yǐ nián lǎo tǐ shuāi ,shí rì wú duō (...)
“gāo biāo kuà cāng qióng ,liè fēng wú shí xiū (...)
Intelligent FlowerLantern FestivalZhou BangyanThe candle flames redden with the breeze;The lotus lanterns seem to freeze.The sky brightens the fair and the fair the sky.The titles are steeped in moonlightWhen fleecy clouds disperse in flight,The Moon Goddess would come down from on high.In elegant dress appearThe southern maidens tenderWith waist so slender.The drums boom far and near,The crowd's shadows rise and fall,Fragrance wafts over all.I remember the capital's lantern night:A thousand doors overwhelmed with light,People made merry in laughter.From golden cabs silk handkerchiefs *ped down,The gallants ran afterThe cabs as dim dust raised by steeds in the town.But years have passed,Now I see only for my partWith an unfeeling heartHow time flies fas(...)
huā jīng hán shí ,
dì èr duàn shǐ jìn rù jì wén zhèng wén ,pī kōng jiù shì yī jù “wū hū màn qīng ”,háng wén tū wū ,ér qíng gǎn zhēn qiē 。fǎng fó yào jiāng wáng yǒu cóng dì xià huàn xǐng ,duì tā xì xì qīng sù 。suǒ yào qīng (...)
jǐng lián xiě zòng mù suǒ jiàn shèng jì ,bìng yǐn qǐ huái (...)
《dēng dà pī shān shī 》wéi qī yán lǜ shī 。shǒu lián “xiǎo pī yān wù rù qīng luán ,shān sì shū zhōng wàn mù hán ”,bú màn bú zhī ,zhí bēn zhǔ tí ,jí diǎn míng le dēng shān zhī yì ,yòu yòng xǐ liàn jiǎn jié de bǐ fǎ miáo xiě le dēng dà pī shān de chū bù gǎn (...)
wén dào shuǐ jīng gōng diàn ,huì lú xūn 、zhū lián gāo guà 。qióng zhī bàn yǐ ,yáo shāng gèng quàn ,yīng jiāo yàn chà 。mù duàn hún fēi ,cuì yíng hóng rào ,kōng yín xiǎo yà 。xiǎng guī lái zuì lǐ ,luán bì fèng duǒ ,qiàn hé rén xiè 。







柳贯 柳贯柳贯(1270年8月18日—1342年12月7日),字道传,婺州浦江人,元代著名文学家、诗人、哲学家、教育家、书画家。博学多通,为文沉郁春容,工于书法,精于鉴赏古物和书画,经史、百氏、数术、方技、释道之书,无不贯通。官至翰林待制,兼国史院编修,与元代散文家虞集、揭傒斯、黄溍并称“儒林四杰”。



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